Sree vidya fithin vigraha ka unkay shiv shiv aradhna
Sree vidya fithin vigraha ka unkay shiv shiv aradhna

sree vidya fithin vigraha ka unkay shiv shiv aradhna

86 4 ANNUAL REPORT 2016–2017 TISS MUMBAI (Contd.) School of Research Methodology. 78 School of Management and Labour Studies. 73 School of Law, Rights and Constitutional Governance.

sree vidya fithin vigraha ka unkay shiv shiv aradhna

42 Jamsetji Tata School of Disaster Studies. 33 Director, Director’s Office and Deputy Director. 29 Building on the Past and Looking Ahead. 19 Organisation Development and Management. 13 Outreach through TISS Regional Centres. 11 Building Capacity for Social Security of People in Our Neighbouring Nations. 6 Reaching Out: Mental Health Interventions. Ambekar Marg, Wadala, Mumbai 400 031 Contents DIRECTOR’S REPORT: MAKING A DIFFERENCE TO THE NATION. : Saksham Team : TISS Tuljapur : International Relations Office : TISS Guwahati : Top Row – TISS Guwahati Middle Row – Sunny Lung Khan (L) and TISS Guwahati (R) Bottom Row – Saurav Mondal (L) and TISS Guwahati (R) : International Relations Office : Sunny Lung Khan Sudha Ganapathi © Tata Institute of Social Sciences, 2017 2016–2017 ANNUAL REPORT PRODUCTION TEAM Sudha Ganapathi, Vijender Singh and Gauri Galande Printed at India Printing Works, 42, G.D. Driver, Parsiana : National CSR Hub Team : Muthu Kumaran T. ANNUAL REPORTA Deemed University, established under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956 TATA INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES ANNUAL REPORT TATA INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Cover Design and Layout by MUKUND SAWANT A N N U AL RE P ORT 2 0 1 6 -2 0 1 7 Ta t a I n stitute o f S o cia l S cie nce s Photographs : Jitender Gangan : Bharat Ahire : Jasmine D.

Sree vidya fithin vigraha ka unkay shiv shiv aradhna